Community Corner
Here are some of our favorite local businesses - please support them, and let them know you heard about them here!
Jen Fuller (415) 306-3199
Jen Fuller is trained in the Egoscue Method, a unique and effective program designed to treat musculo- skeletal pain without drugs, surgery or manipulation. The Egoscue Method restores the body back to its intended design, resulting in a higher quality of life through proper alignment, motion and full function.
Jen offers one on one therapy, on-line therapy, beginning Egoscue exercise classes, advanced and professional athletic training programs, and corporate classes and therapy programs.
Beth Zamichow (415) 250-9380
Certified Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer and Movement Therapist. Throughout her life, Beth has worked with individuals and groups teaching fitness, health and movement in private and corporate settings. Beth excels at assisting people to become more aware of their bodies, improve posture and increase strength, balance and flexibility. Clients learn how to to fully, and correctly, activate and engage deep muscles to achieve greater tone and muscular symmetry. She works out of her own pilates/fitness studio, gyms and private homes.
Ingrid Serenne (415) 888-3173
Ingrid is a master Pilates instructor and is available for private and small group instruction.
Dr. Jennifer Green D.C.
Sessions by Appointment Only
Dr. Green’s healing practice includes such disciplines as Cranial-Sacral therapy, Applied Kinesiology, Yoga, Reiki, and Massage therapy. In addition to offering private appointments, Dr. Green also offers group instruction in breath and mobility to further assist in health and wellness.
Vicki Greene
Vicki Greene Sports Therapy has had a private practice more than 25 years. Her experience includes sports and rehabilitative therapy, athletic training, teams as well as one-on-one.
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